
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting back to normal

I went in for another blood test on Monday, Jan. 16th to check my hcg levels again.  The midwife told me that if I waited about 10 days before coming in for my second blood test that my levels should be back to zero.  She was right. The nurse called the very next day to tell me that everything was back to zero and I was cleared to try again.  Today I got my period and have never been more excited to get it.  Usually it is dreaded, but I was glad this time because it means that everything is back to normal and we can try again.  

I have been very stressed out the past few weeks with the uncertainty of when things would get back to normal. I've also been stressed out about the 15 pounds I gained while eating like a normal person (and let's be honest... a lot of emotional eating after the miscarriage).  I started a low carb diet plan regulated by a physician last April and lost 52 pounds.  At my lowest, I weighed 20 pounds less than I did in high school and was in the best shape I've ever been in.  Then I found out I was pregnant and needed to have a more balanced diet so I started to eat things I hadn't eaten in months. Along with that came a few extra pounds. 

 After the miscarriage I had been debating whether or not I should go back to the low carb diet to try to lose the extra pounds or just try to eat healthier and exercise more.  Since I had heard that many people get pregnant again after a miscarriage without ever having a period, I figured it would probably be best to just go the eating healthy/exercise more route until I knew for sure that I wasn't pregnant again.  That didn't really work and I was frustrated.  I decided I would go back to what I knew would work which was the plan I did to lose the 52 pounds.  I don't think I'll make it back to my goal weight because my body just has a hard time maintaining it, but I would like to lose at least the 15 I gained.  I started week one of the program again this Monday and this is the most intense week of the program.  It is definitely working though... I'm already down 4 pounds. I think I will continue to stay on the plan and keep my current exercise schedule until I find out I'm pregnant again.  If nothing else, it makes me feel better about myself and feel like I have control over something! 

It is nice to feel like things are finally getting back to normal :) 

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